Responses Last Confirmed:

Colorado Department of Higher Education

Agency Contact

Heather DeLange

Additional Contact

Secretary of State Contact

Jena Griswold

1: Important Agency Information to Note

What types of institutions are subject to this agency’s authority?

Indicate the types of institutions that your agency authorizes. 

  • Note: Some agencies may refer to out-of-state public institutions as “private colleges” in their law.  If this is the case for your agency, please select “public, out-of-state degree granting institutions” for purposes of this Guide so that the out-of-state public institution will find appropriate information.
  • Note: If your agency is a coordinating board, your agency may have one division with some authority such as program approval over in-state public institutions that are established per statute, which is structured differently than another division of your agency with state authorization authority over non-public institutions that they “license” pursuant to different statute(s).

_____    Public, in-state degree granting institutions
__X__    Public, out-of-state degree granting institutions        
__X__    Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions 
__X__    Private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions    
__X__    Private, in-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__    Private, out-of-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
_____    Public, in-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____    Public, out-of-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____    Non-degree, not-for profit institutions
_____    Non-degree, for-profit institutions
__X__    Religious institutions
_____    Tribally-controlled institutions
_____    Federal Institutions
_____    Municipal institutions

Does your agency authorize specific academic programs offered by institutions, only institutions themselves, or both?
  • For example, an agency may require an institution apply for licensure for institutional approval and also require the institution to apply for specific program(s) approval.

__X__ Institution 

_____ Program 

__X__ Both (for educator preparation programs only)

Clarifying comments:

The selected institutions fall under the purview of the Office of Private Postsecondary Education. The Colorado Department of Higher Education oversees public, in-state institutions and the Division of Private Occupational Schools oversees the vocational and non-degree schools in the state.


2: Authorization of Distance Education

Does your agency require exclusively online offerings offered by out-of-state institutions to be authorized?
  • Meaning as example, the state regulates an out-of-state institution for merely enrolling a student into a distance education program
  • Meaning as example, a solely online program that does not have any internships and practicums


Clarifying comments:

We utilize the physical presence definition as defined in the SARA manual.


3: Accreditation by an Accrediting Agency Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education

Is accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education required for an institution to be authorized in your state?

Yes; private colleges/universities require accreditation but religious training institutions are not required to hold accreditation but there are limitations on what these institutions can offer.

If yes, please check all that apply as appropriate.

Accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education required for: 
__X__ Public, out-of-state degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, not-for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, in-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
__X__ Private, out-of-state, for-profit degree granting institutions
_____ Public, in-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____ Public, out-of-state, non-degree granting institutions
_____ Non-degree, not-for profit institutions
_____ Non-degree, for-profit institutions
_____ Religious institutions
_____ Tribally-controlled institutions
_____ Federal Institutions
_____ Municipal institutions

Clarifying comments:

Accreditation is required for authorization under the Degree Authorization Act for private colleges and universities. The authorization for Religious Training Institutions is different than from the process for private colleges and universities; the CO Department of Higher Education nor the CO Commission on Higher Education do not make evaluative statement regarding the administration, faculty, business practice, or quality of the offerings by these institutions. The Division of Private Occupational Schools does not require accreditation for approval unless the school offers Associate level degree programs.


4: Physical Presence Policy

If your agency uses a physical presence standard, how does your agency define physical presence? Include sample triggers.

See definition in policy (page 6).

Does a clinical/internship trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

Does a virtual clinical / internship trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency? 

No response provided

Does a faculty member residing in your state and teaching an online course trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

No response provided

Does advertising targeted to residents of your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

No response provided

Does having an administrative site in your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

No response provided

Does having a recruiter in your state trigger the requirement for authorization with your agency?

No response provided

Clarifying comments:

Found on page 6&7, in the definition of physical presence.


5: Application Process

Please provide a short description of the application process to obtain state authorization.

Institutions must demonstrate compliance with applicable statute and policy through documentation. The review is a paper based review conducted by an external evaluation team hired by me and paid for with the application fee. The team assesses the institution’s compliance with Colorado standards and applicable accreditation criteria and then provides a recommendation on whether the institution should receive authorization.

Clarifying comments:

There is not an application, per se. The requirements/criteria are found in policy and the institution should tailor the documentation to the listed criteria in the policy.


6: Fees Associated with Authorization

Is there an application fee associated with the authorization process?


If yes, what is the fee or fee schedule?

No response provided

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


7: Surety Bonds

Does your agency require a Surety Bond for authorized out-of-state institutions?

Yes but the department only got authorization for surety bonds in 2012. Meaning only new institutions to Colorado since 2012 have been required to post a bond.

Web link for surety bonds.

No response provided

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


8: Student Tuition Recovery Fund

Does your agency have a Student Tuition Recovery Fund (or similar fund for higher education institution closure)?

No response provided

If yes, for what types of institutions?

No response provided

Web link for student tuition recovery fund.

No response provided

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


9: Tuition Refund Policy

Does your agency have a Tuition Refund Policy Requirement?


If yes, for what types of institutions?

No response provided

Web link for tuition refund policy.

No response provided

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


10: Reporting

What kinds of information or data must an institution report to your agency as a condition for continued institutional state authorization?

At a minimum, institutions must report enrollment and degrees granted on an annual basis. Those institutions that have approved educator preparation programs or those that participate in state financial aid submit data to the respective files.

How frequently do institutions report data?

One submission in February for enrollments from the previous calendar year and one submission in August for degrees granted.

Is this information shared publicly?

I don’t think so.

Clarifying comments:

Institutions receive a reminder email to submit their data a month or two before the deadline.


11: Enforcement

What are possible consequences of institutional non-compliance?
Non-compliant institutions may face a probationary authorization or revocation of authorization.

Web link for enforcement information.

No response provided

Clarifying comments:

No response provided


12: Student Complaints - Non-SARA Participating Institutions

Please describe the process for handling complaints about non-SARA out-of-state postsecondary institutions or programs? (34 CFR 600.9(a))

Complaints are farmed out to the appropriate division within the department for review. For the private degree granting institutions, students must have exhausted all grievance avenues available at the institution prior to coming to our department. Statutorily, we have authority to investigate claims of deceptive practice only.

Web link for the non-SARA complaint form.
How does your agency handle a non-SARA complaint from a resident of its state that is against an out-of-state institution that the agency does not authorize?

No response provided

Is the non-SARA process handled all within your agency or do you divide consumer protection and student complaint duties dependent on the type of institution (Public, Private, Technical, etc.)?

The complaints are divided up based on the type of institution and even down to the specific program, in some cases (i.e., educator preparation).

Who is the contact person or entity for your state for receiving non-SARA student complaints?

Contact Name: Heather DeLange
Title: Director, Office of Private Postsecondary Education
Agency: Colorado Department of Higher Education
Address: 1600 Broadway, Suite 2200 Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-862-3001

Clarifying comments:

Only for the authorized institutions under the degree authorization act. Public institutions have a different staff member as do the private occupational schools.


13: Records Retention

When a higher education institution closes, what is the process your state uses to ensure that transcripts/records are kept available?

If the institution still maintains hard copy transcripts, we collect the transcripts from the institution. Ideally, the institution has all transcripts in electronic form which we then maintain on our server. Additionally, we may send copies of the records along to a third party vendor, Parchment, for fulfillment requests.

From what agency or entity do students request their transcripts/records from a closed higher education institution?
Clarifying comments:

No response provided


14: Additional Information

Is there anything else about the state authorization process in your state that institutions and others ought to know about?

There are two divisions that oversee all institutions that are not Colorado public institutions. We have the Division of Occupational Schools; these schools offer diplomas, certificate programs, and associate level programs only.

The Office of Private Postsecondary Education oversees institutions that predominantly serve students at the baccalaureate level and higher.

What is your preferred method of communication?

No response provided


Please note: There could be additional state agencies with oversight of activities of your institution.